ARDR is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that aims to to create opportunities for people to play an active part in the life of their community and facilitate the build up of self-governing capacity of local communities for economic and social development, serving the South West Development Region in Romania.
ARDR promotes the partnerships between schools, local businesses, public administrations, and non-profit organizations that are necessary elements of healthy development.
Up till now, ARDR has involved over 120 highly committed foreign volunteers and over 80,000 citizens in direct action.
Our experience is in engaging people individually and in groups, and in training people of all ages and abilities in order to ensure the rights of citizens to contribute directly to improve services and situations they experience in their lives and communities.
In the last 2 years, ARDR has contributed also to the strengthening of NGOs and civil society in other countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Argentina, Peru, Israel, Tunisia and other European Union countries in a quest for participatory democracy and sustainable development.