The Regional Association for Rural Development - ARDR - announces the beginning of Act Now project.
The implementation period is bet...

August 10th, 2013 - August 20th, 2013
Why International Art and Creativity Summer School "Constantin Brancusi" in Pestisani, Hobita
International Art and Creativity Summer School "Constantin Brancusi" is part of a concept that aims at organizing sculpture camps in Hobita, where the sculptor was born, and in two other locations: Italy and Serbia. Through this program w...

ARDR in parteneriat cu Grupul de Actiune Locala ALPIN, Travel to Farm Danemarca cu asistenta tehnica din partea Institutul pentru Politici de Dezvoltare lanseaza programul de formare profesionala continua, “Travel to farm”.
Este acela de a oferi oportunitati de perfectionare intr-o ferma daneza, de a capata experienta de lucru si de a stimula invatarea interculturala.
Trebuie sa aiba intre 18 si 30 de ani. Sa...
From March to May this year (2012), part of the Implementation of Participation Standards Activity, 20 schools in the 5 counties of the Olteni...
Regional Association for Rural Development has assigned two representants to participate at the first edition of the social entrepreneurship&rs...