Project overview: Networking for European Citizenship aims to provide the european young volunteers opportunities for professional, personal and social development; ecourages intercultural learning, tolerance and sensitivity towards other cultures; propagates practical skills, abilities and new skills; contributes to the local community development and encourages the spirit of civic participation; develops extracurricular educational activities for young people in the localities where the european volunteers are hosted. Training sessions on various topics, Romanian language courses, non-formal educational activities with young people from hosting communities are the main activities from this programme.
Project partnership:Youth without Borders/Frontiers, Civil Society Institute Armenia, Youth Alliance, Itineraire International - Antenne Midi-Pyrenees, JugendSozialwerk Nordhausen e.V.
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October 2007 - June 2008
Voice picturing
Azi, 15 martie 2013, echipa proiectului S.A.V.E. - Social Awareness and Volunteering in Europe, alcat... » Read more