Project overview: The current project looks at strengthening the Youth Empowerment Network-YEN by means of the development of thematic clusters of excellence in EVS, sharing best practice in youth work and needs analysis in terms of capacity to handle and manage EVS projects that brings the European, global, national and local dimension together. The strategic and political objectives are: a. to learn more about the EVS opportunities, needs and risks in Latin America, Africa and the EU; b. to develop EVS Country Guidelines for all countries involved; c. to promote the EVS at the local/regional/national level according to the capacity of the organization; d. to build on the expertise of youth workers to deliver technical assistance in EVS management; e. to give visibility to international youth work in Latin America and Africa; f. to strengthen the trans-continental EVS network.
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The project geography is defined at two levels: regional (at the level where participating organizations from Sierra Leone, Argentina, Peru, Camerun, Romania, Sweden, UK operate) and interantional (in Romania, UK and Sweden).
There are 464 participants out of which 420 are youth workers and 44 are trainers, facilitators and staffers.
As for the tangible results we expect to achieve:
- 7 regional Conferences on EVS in Latin America, Africa and EU
- 1 International Conference in Brussels, Belgium
- 24 job shadowing in Latin America, Africa and EU
- 24 youth workers trained on needs analysis and risk assessment in EVS projects
- 7 Country Reports on Opportunities in EVS
- 1 KIT on Needs Analysis and Risk Assessment in EVS
- at least 3 group EVS projects
- 7 post job shadowing assessments
As for the project impact, by the end of the project we expect to:
- have fully prepared youth workers in assisting and managing EVS projects, being able to transfer their knowledge
- have increased capacity of partner organizations to avoid risks and to build projects that respond to the community needs
- have built the capacity for long term structured approach to EVS development at the global level
- have increased the awareness of the particularities of youth work in the participating countries
- have stimulated tolerance and solidarity in youth work at the global level
- have increased the capacity of youth structures in managing European Voluntary Service programmes
- promote and boost participation in the European Voluntary Service in Latin America, Africa and the EU
- have fostered regional/national partnerships in order to increase access to the trans-national volunteering programme
- have strengthened collaboration and long term sustainability in between the participating organizations
- have exchanged of best practices in the realm of youth work
A1. Kick off meeting - an online conference to establish the working frame of the current project and the immediate actions to take
A2. Kit on Needs Analysis and Risk Assessment on EVS - a tool developed for the country managers, as a means to ensure quality and sustainability in EVS projects
A3. Working meeting - is to gather in Romania, for 4 days, the seven country managers within the project to plan for the in country trainings, job shadowing and information campaign
A 4. In country training courses - each partner is to conduct a training course back home, in his country on needs analysis and risk assessment
A5. Job shadowing - 24 youth workers, 6 from Africa, 6 from Latin America, and 12 from the European Union will do an exchange of best practices, for a month
A 6. Online platform for trans-national volunteering -www.yesforevs.eu, is to continuously be updated with information, in order to ensure visibility of the project
A7. Country reports - will be elaborated by the multi-national teams of youth works who will be involved in the job shadowing
A 8. Post job shadowing assessment - looks at evaluating the exchange of best practices in youth work, in terms of investments/results
A 9. International Conference ACT NOW! - will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels, to disseminate and to evaluate the results of the project and to attract partners in the network
A 10. Monitoring - will be ensured throughout the project, by collecting regularly information from the country managers on the project progress
A 11. Reporting